Goal Setting-Make 2023 your year!

Are your daily actions bringing you closer to your goals? If not, how do you expect the things in your life you need and want changed, to change? Clear goals enable you to release your full potential for personal and professional success. The process of writing your goals helps you clarify what you desire to do, understand the importance of pursuing them and commit yourself to making them happen. 

How can you possibly hit a target you can’t see?

Try to set one or two goals for the main areas of your life. This can be for your career, finances, health/fitness, your relationship or anything else that you may feel you need to work on. Goals are essential to your development and success,  with a little commitment you can overcome any challenges. 

Start with your 12-month goal and work backwards setting mini milestones along the way at 6, 3, and 1 month. Write down a weekly schedule so that you will achieve that one-month goal, and before you know it, what seems impossible suddenly looks possible. 

When setting your goals, remember to make them SMART.

  • Specific: Getting fitter just won’t cut it. Try "Run/walk the ZY fun run on the 8th August"
  • Measurable: Make sure you can clearly track your goals.
  • Achievable: When you do map out the plan, make sure it is achievable. You don't want to set expectations that are unreachable.
  • Realistic: Like achievable but a notch higher. Based on your workload, be completely honest with yourself and what you are capable of. Look at your workload and set realistic goals. 
  • Time based: Nothing beats a deadline. Set the date, mark it in your calendar and you are ready to go! 

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.
Take control of your life, rock on!

Until next month, Evie xx

Book a session with us today! 








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