10 Tips To Lose The Last 5kg

Reaching your weight-loss goals can be a big challenge, regardless of how much weight you want to lose. However, taking it one step at a time and making a few minor modifications to your diet and lifestyle can make weight loss much more manageable.

1. Know what you are eating and drinking - If you want to lose those last stubborn 5kgs, you need to change what you have been doing, but first, you need to know what you are doing. If you are not following a specific weight loss eating plan, it is important to locate areas of your diet where you can cut out unnecessary calories.

  • Try keeping a record of what you eat and drink for a week
  • Review your diary at the end of the week
  • Highlight anything that might be sneaking into your day (extra portions, snacks, wine, etc) that could be hindering your weight loss
  • Aim for 1,200 – 1,400 calories for females and 1,600-1,800 calories for males a day

2Cut back on refined carbs - Cutting down on carbs is another simple way to improve the quality of your diet and further weight loss. Refined carbs are stripped of their nutrients and fibre content during processing. They are high in calories and low in nutrients, they’re absorbed quickly into your bloodstream, causing blood sugar spikes and increased hunger.

3. Practice intermittent fasting - Intermittent fasting involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting, with fasts typically lasting 16–24 hours. It can reduce the amount you eat by limiting the time frame in which food is consumed, possibly enhancing weight loss. In fact, some research shows that Intermittent fasting can be a powerful tool for weight loss and may be equally effective as calorie restriction.

4. Skip the sauces and condiments - Piling toppings on your favourite foods can quickly turn a healthy meal into a calorie bomb.

5. Consider a blood test - If your hormones aren’t balanced it can promote fat storage and this is a common problem when you are trying to lose the last few kilos. The hormones leptin, insulin, oestrogens, androgens and growth hormone influence our metabolism, appetite and body fat distribution.

6. Limit your treat meals -  How many treat meals are you having per week? When you start seeing results, it can be easy to slip back into old habits and allow an extra treat meal here and there to creep back into your weekly eating. Remember that consistency and sticking to your healthy eating program is key to seeing results.

7. Increase the intensity of your workouts or change it up - Have you gotten too fit for your current exercise routine? To shift the kilos and get the best fitness results, we need to keep our bodies guessing and challenged. If you aren’t feeling challenged by your workout then it’s time to change things up. Don’t let yourself become too comfortable.

8. Improve your gut health - Your health starts in the gut. We want to achieve a good balance of bacteria in our gut and the best way to do this is to include probiotic and fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir and miso. You also want to feed the good bacteria with natural pre-biotic foods such as garlic, leek onion, and more fermented foods.

9. Manage your physical and mental stress - A little bit of stress isn’t a bad thing, but if your stress is left unchecked for too long it can hurt your health and your waistline. Stress causes your body to produce high levels of stress hormones: cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine. Cortisol can suppress your immune system, increase blood pressure, decrease your digestion and increase your fat storage. Try to add some time for yourself each day, it can be as simple as deep breathing, meditation, gardening, reading, or taking a long bath. 

10. Get more sleep - It’s going to be hard to lose the last 5 kilos if you’re not getting enough sleep. Your body needs time to renew and repair all your systems, so do your best to get 8 hours of sleep each night. Sufficient sleep really will maximise your weight loss and overall sense of wellbeing.

Take it one step at a time and make a few small changes each week to lose weight safely and sustainably. With a little patience and hard work, you can reach your weight loss goals.


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.
Take control of your life, rock on!

Until next month, Evie xx

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