How To Step Up Your Meal Prep

Meal preparation can be a lifesaver if you are trying to stick to a well-balanced diet. Planning and making meals ahead of time doesn’t just make it easier to eat healthier but It can also save you time trying to figure out what to eat each day. 

My 4 tips on how you can make meal prep work for you:

  1. Stock up on pantry staples - These are the ingredients you will use repeatedly, beans, seeds, rice and grains. Often, these ingredients can be purchased in bulk, so you may find it works out cheaper to buy them this way. You can also purchase other ingredients that are in season, like fruit and vegetables, and freeze them. Canned proteins, like tuna, salmon and legumes can also be stored in your pantry (or in desk drawers at work if you have the space!). These sources of protein can be quickly added to a salad, sandwich or a wrap to help you feel full for longer.
  2. Prepare ingredient’s instead of full meals - To make meal prep easier, focus on preparing ingredients, rather than full meals. Wash, chop and prepare your vegetables then store them in airtight containers in the fridge. Cook grains, like quinoa and brown rice ahead of time and freeze the portions in individual freezer bags. You can then you can combine the ingredients, add some protein for example fish, meat or chicken and you’ve got yourself a nutritious meal. 
  3. Include protein, carbohydrates and fat - An important factor is to try and include foods from each of the main food groups. You should focus on having complex carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats on your plate. Think of these as the main elements that need to be in every meal. For example, a simple combination of chicken, brown rice, vegetables, and avocado is perfect. 
  4. Add variety – Variety can help so you don’t get bored eating the same meals day in day out. Choose a different protein every night for example, fish, beef or pork mince, chicken, beef rissoles, roast lamb or skewers. Play around with ingredients. Make chicken and vegetables more interesting by adding different herbs and spices. Try different dips, like hummus, beetroot dip or tzatziki, and dip slices of veggies into it for a snack. If you have a slow cooker, use it to make delicious stews or soups that you can portion and store to use throughout the week.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.
Take control of your life, rock on!

Until next month, Evie xx

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