4 Tips To Stay Healthy Over The Christmas Break

The holiday season is a time of celebration filled with family, friends and most importantly, food.

Our Christmas break is a time for us to relax and enjoy ourselves. I strongly believe in enjoying this period with your loved ones and taking time out. However, there are still ways to take care of your health during this time of year, even if you are not working out as usual.


Here are my top 4 tips for staying healthy over the holidays: 

  1. You can still stay active- Staying active is a great way to maintain your fitness level and look after your health in general. If you are not heading to the gym or doing your regular workouts, you could take a more social approach and get active with friends or family. Go for a walk, a swim or grab a friend and go for a hike, play a team sport with family or try a new activity. 
  2. Get a good night’s sleep - For many of us, the end of the year means party season and social gatherings can often lead to late nights and feeling fatigued. Celebrating your year is a great time to reflect on the past 12 months and look ahead to any goals you might have planned for the new year. Being sleep deprived can lead to other health problems, including hormone imbalances that can create a feeling of hunger, as well as being less satisfied after a meal.  
  3. Keep hydrated - With all the extra alcohol consumption over the holiday season, water can become your best friend. Being well-hydrated is essential to good health and can boost your wellbeing. One of the signs of dehydration is sudden food cravings, and this is because your body is mistaking hunger for thirst. Make sure you are drinking water throughout the day during the holiday season, including when you’re attending events or parties.
  4. Set your goals and plan for success- The holidays are a busy period for many people, but it is also a great time to reflect on the year that passed and plan for the year ahead. Use this time to think about your goals for the next 12 months. If your goals are related to health and fitness, look at what you need to do to achieve them — and then schedule in the time to make sure you reach them. Taking the time to plan is a vital element to successfully achieving your goals! 

I wish you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.
Take control of your life, rock on!

Until next month, Evie xx

Book a session with us today! 


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